Write Landon a Letter


Elder Landon Aldana
741 Plummer Road (appt 1503)
Hunstville Al, 35806

Monday, January 26, 2015


HI HI family/ mom and dad

     So I was just going to write one letter but also answer to both your questions just because it’s like work to type this stuff. I’ll have to send you an email next Monday right off the bat so we can talk for a little. Sorry I didn’t call you guys. :(  I really did want to, but when I got to the airport at 5:30 I didn’t want to fight my way to a phone only to have to call you and talk to you half drugged up from no sleep, so I was planning on calling you in Atlanta, only there’s no payphones in the Atlanta airport. I asked like the head question place and they told me they took all of them out. So that’s why I never called you. Um to start off I'll just start from the landing. So we met my mission president right down the stairs when you’re leaving the airport. He’s like 6'6, a big guy. We shook hands and were then like caged outside so none of us would get lost. He seems like a nice guy but he comes off hard. We all went over to his house to eat and have interviews. During the interview he was like, "So basically I’m going to guess none of you know how to work and this mission is super hard so, ya your screwed unless you learn to work hard." For like the next hour I was like super worked up about it. I don’t know why, I was like “Really I just spent 2 weeks getting killed in the MTC” and I get this guy telling me I’m going to have to learn how to work and not think of myself. I just about lost it so I went up to him afterwards and was like. Hey could you not say like we’re all 10 years old and can't wipe our own butts.... thanks I’m Elder Aldana. It was alright, I mean like I see now what he was trying to do, but ya I was like you just can’t tell people they suck at working and then go on for an hour about how we need to learn how to work. I think that he’s a good guy but he’s like a millionaire. I guess he made the Cheetos guy. The character and stuff so, ya he just like runs everything like a business so, I don’t know. I just came up and told him how I felt and I think we’re good now. But ya he’s a good guy just I don’t know hahah I want to like him I just don’t agree with some of his ideas. I hope it grows on me because I could care less about his work horse picture telling me I need to work hard for stuff to happen.
      As far as my companion I love him. We’re like super close after 5 days, he’s not really the type of guy that I would hang out with. He was a starting quarterback for the football team and the starting pointgard for the basketball team. So after he saw me and was like. WAIT your 6'4 and don’t play basketball....... little does he know that I’m a HUGE nerd :) were having a lot of fun down here. We're both kind of sick so the work is slow, but we're working. I get us up at 6:30 every morning and flip on the light so that he won’t go back to sleep for 5 mins. My first day in our dump of a house place I had canned beef stew for breakfast. It was not the best but hey. We didn’t have any food and my companion wasn’t going to help haha. We learn fast about each other. He doesn’t like to eat with me for some reason but I don’t think it’s because of me. He just doesn’t like to eat at the table.
     As for the people here, they’re the best; I love everyone that I get to see here. First off everyone is black. Just ya 9/10 are black and its way good. Black people are sooooo good. The black people listen to you.  When you knock they will say 1 of 2 things. 1 is "WHO IS" you then yell back through the door "ITS THE MISSONARYS" they will then yell back "WHO" and then you yell even louder "MISSIONARYS" by then you will be coming to their door. You have to do this for about 4/5 doors. It’s alright haha it makes me so happy every time. If they don’t yell "WHO IS" they yell "COME IN" so you super awkwardly walk into their house and start saying "Hey yall we’re the missionary’s". Most people here have some sort of religion but everyone takes the time to listen to you, or says they will. Normally you have to say can we come back another time and they will say sure and you come back the next day. So it’s alright only you never get to have lessons with people. But they’re all so good. There are a few nice white people, we have this one lady named R. She reminds me so much of grandma. She LOVES the missionary’s. She’s Catholic and she feeds us food. She’s going to heaven or we’re not because she’s so good. Also we met this lady named J while tracking last night. She came in and was like MISSIONARYS how are you. She’s Baptist? But she also loves us we talked to her for about 10 minutes about Jesus and how we should all try and be like him.
    Um our house is like SUPPER ghetto. It’s like SUPER brown and moldy. When I first walked in I saw 3 cockroaches crawl under our oven I almost just walked back to the car and slept there. Haha it’s such a joke the bathroom is a joke the shower is like 5 feet tall so I have to duck down just to get under the shower. We also had no food. And the little food we did have was just thrown into the cupboards. We just cleaned for like 5 hours. I told my companion we’re cleaning this up today or he’s sleeping with the cockroaches in the kitchen. We’re in a duplex.  Our neighbor is the Baptist preacher. They have 3 little girls. I told my companion that we should go listen to him this Sunday and then next time we speak invite him to come to our church. I think it’s a good idea. But were good friends. We respect each other religion and just like each other as people.
    I think that’s about everything I’ll send some pictures. Oooooo ya I almost forgot. So our 3 hours in church, we talked about the Book of Mormon play........ ya the play..... I guess it’s coming to Alabama and so they had an hour in church to just bash on the makers of it and like say how bad it is and that it makes fun of Jesus and all religions. The whole hour I was like REALLY...... we’re talking about this in church. Come on it’s a play, like who cares if people want to see it, let them and if they have questions about the BOM great the plays doing good. Anyway they were not too happy about it, haha and told everyone that if they were asked to say anything about it from a reporter or something that were not supposed to say anything for the church..... Was a great 3rd hour for our brand new investigator coming to church for the first time ever.....
      The work here is slow. We have to spend a lot of time with the kids before we can even see the parents. But it’s alright; Alabama is great I love it down here.

Loves your Elder Aldana/Elder Tall/ Elder slimshady

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